Wednesday, July 18, 2012

A Day in the Life of...

a busy penguin.  Do you ever wonder why we're always so busy? Or maybe I'm the only one that, when I look at the clock, I wonder where all the time went? As an "online entrepreneur," I have to admit that sometimes I get caught reading others' posts, articles, looking at interesting finds and then my own "work" falls behind. Yet at the same time, if I didn't explore while "working" (advertising for everyone else), I wouldn't find things that I am personally interested in.

Well, this article is supposed to be for ME, really, to organize my day and for you to know why I'm crazy. LOL and maybe to see if you'd like to join me in part of my busy day. =). Because I'm single, I can typically get up at any hour I want and sleep when needed. LOL


5am-10am: Wake up, read something spiritual, pray, meditate on God's WORD and Goodness, take a walk or go to the gym, prepare mentally for the day, shower, eat breakfast (not necessarily in this order).
10am-10:30am: Group Prayer
10:30am-12:00pm: "Work".. check and reply to emails, social media, start postings for the day.

12:00-12:30pm: Take a Break.
12:30-6:00pm: "Work" and other daily activities.  
Work includes networking, marketing and advertising for Easyshop360WorldTNT Health Online Pay Day SystemZeek Rewards, and the Ozonator just to mention a few. I am also helping Roaring Lion Ministries International raise funds to be able to fulfill their calling to preach the Gospel to the Nations around the World. I run a prayer group online in which I'm working on building it into a website for anyone and everyone around the world to post prayer needs and we all pray as a community. I also have a few other projects that I'd like to get off the ground in which I spend a little time on daily. Oh and of course I can't forget my new personal blog A Penguin's Paradise Fan Page.

6:00pm - sleep: clean house, sometimes take another walk, relax outside, continue working on projects, have meetings with different business people, pray, pray and pray. =) 

And of course, I can't mention EVERYTHING cuz activities vary from day to day. I also help my sister with her kids a few days a week. Sometimes I travel for business. I am also looking into getting my MBA, going to Bible College and have spent time interviewing with different institutions to make that happen. =)

Yup, that's the life of this penguin and loving it all! 

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